September 22, 2022 – The Public Market Administration Office (PMAO), headed by, Mr. Erwin Belandres, together with the Business Permit and Licensing Office (BPLO), Mr. Jerome Navarrete and Mr. John Lord Allusada, made a surprise inspection on the weighing scales of the wet section of the Dalaguete Commercial Complex / Dalaguete Public Market. This surprise inspection were conducted due to the concerns being raised to Mr. Felix Villahermosa, BPLO – Head, regarding the use of defective weighing scales in the wet section.
Out of the twenty-five (25) stalls in the fish section and ten (10) stalls from the meat section, four (4) weighing scales were found defective. Three (3) of these scales are from the fish section and one (1) from the meat section. These defective weighing scales were confiscated by our BPLO.